Turning 76

My mom turns 76 today which, by all accounts, is the new 66. Actually, with advances in medicine, 76 year olds really can be as active physically and mentally as when they were 46. There’s walking clubs and pickleball for exercise, and sudoku and gin rummy for the mind. My mom, born Brenda Joyce Antonelli in 1947, works her brain today much like she did when we grew up - a lot of sewing and reading and listening to music. For much of the last few years mom has crocheted hats and mittens and scarfs for those in need. There are a lot of famous 76s actually - as this tribute video to mom explains - there’s the 1776 Declaration of Independence, the Philadelphia 76s and of course 76 trombones. The average 76 year old according to my research takes 3-4 prescription medicines and has as many as 4 chronic conditions - probably some cognitive decline and probably at least some cardiovascular factors. I know for my mom, juggling heart health and happiness is a lot easier with a good book, a lot of walking, and a good partner by her side. My dad is definitely good for a few laughs. Moms are hard to come by - they have to do so much for so many years and take on so many roles and yet often times are in a thankless position. I know my mom deserves some love for juggling not just her own health and wellness, but managing mine, my sisters and dad’s for all those years. You take it all on as a mom and perpetually worry. You also are really the one person who gets anything done. I once found out from a friend at Yale Hospital that the rate of readmissions back to the hospital was "twice as low” when mom was in the room during the first ER visit. “When a woman isn’t there - when mom’s not in the room - my antenna goes up,” says ER doctor Vic Udell. “They are just more proactive, usually better listeners - they are moms.”

Here’s my tribute to mom on turning 76 years young - and to all the moms out there.


The Neti Pot


The Architect