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Outcome of the Week
The dad for 22-year-old Barbera called the national 988 mental health crisis line and pressed 2 for LGBTQ - this shortly after his daughter’s friend called him about Barb’s recent isolation and erratic behavior and apparent reference to suicide. Scared but acting quickly, the dad called the hotline and after 32 minutes his daughter had an appointment for the next day set up with a counselor who was able to diagnose her with Bipolar and begin to move toward a clearer understanding of her condition and how to manage it. The 22-year-old is now 1 year removed from that call, seeing a specialist 1x a week, back in school and living…
“I’d give up golf … if I didn’t have so many sweaters”
— Comedian Bob Hope, illustrating that what we “have” often influences what we do, how we behave, and what we can accomplish