What’s Going On With Young Males In America?

In response to the critical state of young men's mental health, The Behavioral Health Hour and Imagine Sports are collaborating to carry out a groundbreaking national study – What’s Going On With Young Males In America?

This study, the first of its kind, aims to examine the mental well-being of 120,000 males between the ages of 8 and 30. The study will aim to assess the state of mental health in this population, understand how young males deal with adversity, and gain a lens into the science behind their behavioral tendencies and coping strategies, including exercise, music, drinking, smoking/vaping, and gambling addiction. The study will seek opinions on the influence of Internet/TikTok personalities and “elite athletes” as role models and how young males perceive athletes who publicly come out discussing their depression or anxiety.

The study will tackle the rising influence of cannabis and sports betting and the influence of psychosocial family factors such as growing up watching parents drink.

For information on this study - objectives, opportunities for collaboration or funding, see below for the study backgrounder or contact us at thebehavioralhealthhour@gmail.com.


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