Swearing Coach

A 12-year-old little league was down 5 to 1 after just two innings in the championship game a few years back The team was favored to win but players had fumbled several grounders, let an infield fly ball drop for a single and missed the cut off at least twice. It was clear the team was nervous, as kids can get, and their coach knew it. At the top of the 3rd, with the team coming up to bat, the coach met the players near the 1st baseline for a huddle, and what he said was the stuff of legends - at least for those 11 kids:

“I’m about to say something your parents don’t want me to say….it doesn’t ‘f__in’ matter, he said at a voice loud enough for the kids to hear and understand, but soft enough so as not to reverberate to the stands. “It’s just a game. Don’t worry about the score or being perfect. Just have fun.”

My memory of the exact words that coach spoke have muddled over the years but this was the gist and it struck me then as it still does today as a great lesson for parents and coaches - in sports and any competition really - the game at many levels, certainly 12 year old baseball, is not that big of a deal.

The kids settled down and managed to come close to a comeback, bowing 8-7. They walked off disappointed but held their heads high and had a fun game after all the dust from the infield had settled. Several players later told their parents - not to complain but because 12 year olds can’t help themselves and, to a parent, each got it, several later thanking that coach for his efforts over the year. Sometimes, I swear, people miss the point, but not on this day.


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