Guideline Updates For Schizophrenia, Autism, MS, Alzheimer's Apr 20 Written By Bryan Cote Schizophrenia: Cognitive therapy could be an effective treatment option for patients with schizophrenia unable to or refusing medicationAutism: For providers and payers looking to update Autism treatment guidelines, check out the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry latest recommendations, urging clinicians to take a multidisciplinary approach coordinated with a full physical exam and genetic workupMultiple Sclerosis: BCBS of North Carolina is now one year into a change in its Multiple Sclerosis utilization management guidelines for all commercial members and for all types of formularies: Injectables Avonex and Extavia and orals Aubagio and Gilenya are non-preferred while injectables Betaseron, Rebif and Copaxone and oral Tecfidera are preferred. To get a non preferred drug, a member or their doctor must first try and fail two different preferred medications (or, in the case of "orals", at least try Tecfidera first)Alzheimer's: Induced agitation may be treatable by a high dose of antidepressants according to research in a recent JAMAPanic Disorders: BCBS of TN encourages its network providers to use the American Psychiatric Association's guidelines for treating panic disorder patients Bryan Cote
Guideline Updates For Schizophrenia, Autism, MS, Alzheimer's Apr 20 Written By Bryan Cote Schizophrenia: Cognitive therapy could be an effective treatment option for patients with schizophrenia unable to or refusing medicationAutism: For providers and payers looking to update Autism treatment guidelines, check out the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry latest recommendations, urging clinicians to take a multidisciplinary approach coordinated with a full physical exam and genetic workupMultiple Sclerosis: BCBS of North Carolina is now one year into a change in its Multiple Sclerosis utilization management guidelines for all commercial members and for all types of formularies: Injectables Avonex and Extavia and orals Aubagio and Gilenya are non-preferred while injectables Betaseron, Rebif and Copaxone and oral Tecfidera are preferred. To get a non preferred drug, a member or their doctor must first try and fail two different preferred medications (or, in the case of "orals", at least try Tecfidera first)Alzheimer's: Induced agitation may be treatable by a high dose of antidepressants according to research in a recent JAMAPanic Disorders: BCBS of TN encourages its network providers to use the American Psychiatric Association's guidelines for treating panic disorder patients Bryan Cote