Vending Machine - To Prevent Mortality

Vending machines have evolved quite a bit - some now offer tooth paste and some are so fancy they include robots behind the glass screen that make you an iced almond coffee. Some are also life saving inventions like a naloxone vending machine that has prevented about 1,000 deaths according to a recent study published by the University of Cincinnati and Caracole. The vending machines are placed outside a targeted naloxone distribution and syringe service program. Anyone can access the program’s counselors as well as two injectable doses and two nasal spray doses of naloxone, a sharps disposal kit, kits for safe injections, smoking and sex, as well as a pregnancy test, PPE and a box of bandages every seven days. 637 individuals registered in the first year, 12% of them having never previously used harm reduction services. People access the package by calling a phone number and completing a survey giving them up access up to 90 days.


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