Slice Of Life Stories On Family, Sports, Losing & Life


I’ve been a writer since ‘94 but have experienced losing for much longer.

It’s a chronic condition: At 13, Donny Wilmot beat me 7-6 in tennis and told me, “You played a career match Cote, and you still lost.” In high school, I started at shooting guard as a Sophomore, a year in which our hoops team put up 20 in the loss column, out of 20 games. At 26, I got so lost driving home from New York City on my third date with Bridget we ended up on Pennsylvania’s I-80. That’s really hard to do. I lost my hair by 29, my ability to make a 3-foot putt by 30 and the grass in my front yard by June, every year. At 33, I left my wallet on the top of the Subaru while filling up the tank twice in an eight-day span; both times the wallet fell off as I spun away. Today, I deal with a different kind of losing – as a coach of a middle school girls basketball team of kids who’ve never really played before and don’t have a safe place at home to practice; as a father of three who give their best in sports and on stage, but don’t always win, and as a man on the cusp of 50 who on any given day loses his patience, keys, favorite shirt and hearing….through it all, I try to learn a little something from losing….and be better for it the next time.

This is my book on losing—how to do it gracefully and with any luck stop it.

Bryan Cote Bryan Cote


Autism and Epilepsy Limitations - Really? This story shows how to think differently about that. That kids labeled a certain way and put into a certain silo as kids shouldn’t be thought of as limited - quite the opposite!

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote

Leave The Line

Look up and you may just see something amazing - a man leaves the front of the line to do this, loses his spot, but wins in the end.

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote

Remember My Name

Similar to how we need to remember the sacrifice for those who fought for freedom in wars, we ought to also remember those who have been pioneers sacrificing for many of the opportunities and benefits we have today in healthcare…

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote

Healthy Assassins

Here’s one of the healthiest games our kids can play, but not everyone thinks so…

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote

Die Laughing

Attitudes about death are changing. What can we do and how can we help continue to shape them in positive ways?

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote

Art Of The Follow Through

Healthcare was like this too once upon a time….what’s happened. A story on how a doctor, a former baseball pitcher, shows us what it means to follow through, and how past may be prologue.

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote

Dollar Goes Long Way

Hear how a family guidance center in California used a couple bucks a month to turn around the lives of a hundred kids, and 1 man.

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote

Balance Beam

An Indiana doctor puts this in her medical practice as a symbol of what every patient needs….

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote

George’s Sacrifice

A lesson in sacrifice for those of us who sometimes forget what that looks like and what it feels like…

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote

Lassoism Meets Reality

Ted Lasso said we “gotta remember, your body is like day-old rice. If it ain’t warmed up properly, something real bad could happen.” Lasso is right, and this mindset is making its way into how insurers, schools and non profits are helping address the social risk factors of health…

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote

Humor Bedside

There’s a certain measure of humor you need to help someone get through crisis….or just get through the ups and downs of life. Christine had that…

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Bryan Cote Bryan Cote


It’s quite remarkable what a man in his late 70s can accomplish in an email or text….

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