Raising The Menopause Bar

My 17-year-old and I devoured an 8-pack of these delicious PB and chocolate bars last night leaving my bride wondering which one of us are bigger idiots – “Those are menopause bars you dummy – how did you not know that?” As usual I didn’t read the box nor take note of the name – Meno Well. “Figured they were for dudes,” I said, obviously having missed the “Power for the PAUSE” subtext. Bridget said we need to at least try to be lucid. Tommy, the last of our 4 kids still in the house, is now worried about the implications. “I’d absolutely be worried Tommy,” I said straight-faced. “You might start hearing your voice crack again, get a bit higher.” His look of fear was well worth it and he’s since been reading ingredients. There’s a lot of frustration for women over menopause – like well-meaning clinicians unable to diagnose and treat it quickly (chronicled here in our report on the Menopausal Market) – so I suppose it’s not so great when the boys start digging into the pantry to steal what limited joy my wife has living with a couple nincompoops.  In our defense, my son is 17 and thinks with his stomach first and I’m, well, chronically missing what’s right in front of me.


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